Tara HoffmannAttorney

    When I went to law school, I had no clue what kind of law would appeal to me. Through a series of fortunate events, I discovered the world of civil defense and I found my niche. Although I may not look like I know the ins and outs of trucking accidents, 90% of my career has been spent talking to drivers and investigators, understanding on-board computer systems, and learning as much as possible about the nuances of commercial transportation.

    Once ‘the call’ comes into our office, we immediately respond with either onsite investigation or a case analysis – depending on the timing of the situation. After that, we go full-throttle into defending our client’s best interests until we are no longer needed with fact investigation, pleadings, discovery, mediation and negotiations, hearings, and trial. For more details see my resume.

    In my free time, I watch movies with my husband, have tickle fights with my son, and go running every chance I get.

    Favorite animal: Reindeer

    Favorite quote: “Never give up, for that is just the place and time the tide will turn.” Harriet Beecher Stowe

    Favorite sitcom: I don’t watch tv.
