On the Amazon River in Brazil, South America

Hey all. You are getting this post while I am on a mission in  South America. I am on the Amazon River in Brazil working with Amazon Outreach. I have been sleeping on a boat (see the picture below) in a hammock for the last ten days.
I have no contact with civilization from where I am. I am not sure if that is good thing, but perhaps, it is important to get disconnected from society and spend some time doing something for other people who can do nothing for me.
I love defending trucking companies. Trucking is essential to everything we do. Everything I took with me was brought to me by a truck. Sadly, when someone is involved in an accident, they look to the trucker and trucking company a leper to be shunned and hated by society.  
Personally, I think quite differently about my clients. They are ALL good citizens who want to to the right thing. They want to know if they are responsible and how much they owe. They want fairness.  Unfortunately, it seems that there are many people out there who cannot get enough from corporate America. No matter what is offered, it’s not enough even when the case has little merit or limited injuries.
It seems that people just want to punish and gouge and bleed the best of what America has to offer. I get very weary of trying to protect my clients, even when some of them may think I am not doing all I should. How often do we attorneys get asked to do as much as we can to prepare the case for defense, but then we are scolded for charging too much?
Getting away from all of that for 10 days may be what is best for me and my clients.
I hope you take time to do for others who can do nothing for you  in return. It gives fresh perspective.
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