The following is the list of recent top ten verdicts involving 18-wheelers.* Obviously, these don’t include the cases that settled. Even though the verdicts are high, who knows if the [...]
Do you remember the Billy Crystal segment on SNL years ago as Fernando Lamas: “It’s better to rook good than to feel good.” Well, that advice may not be the best, but in [...]
10/8/2012ATA Joins Fight Against ‘Sex Trade’ Trafficking of Young GirlsBy TruckingInfo Staff LAS VEGAS – The American Trucking Associations says it has joined with Truckers [...]
As many of you know, the American Trucking Associations (ATA) filed comments with FMCSA regarding its new interpretation of the oilfield exceptions to the hours of service rules. These exceptions [...]
Because of the volatility, contentiousness and emotional strains involved, divorce lawyers are especially vulnerable to danger. Criminal defense lawyers also admit that dangers come with their [...]